The purpose of this story is to show the American citizens exactly what
is happening in our "War" in Iraq. I find that few people know
of the horrible life some of our veterans are having to live. It really
hurts me that I find most people either don't know or, God forbid, don't
care since it doesn't involve them.
I was watching TV last week and saw an Iraq veteran being interviewed.
An off road explosion (IED) had destroyed most of his body, leaving his
head and face almost unrecognizable. He had a cap pulled very low over
his face in an attempt to cover the destruction, but you could still see
the complete disfiguration this young man had suffered. His face was almost
beyond recognition. Both ears were completely burned off, as was his nose.
It appeared he had lost his right eye. He had lost his left arm. How could
anyone live through this? There is another problem here which is most
difficult to understand. Our government said he only had a 10% disability.
This man was so far only one of over 28,500 wounded in Iraq. The more
I thought about it the more it bothered me. My only thought was "why?"
I found it unbelievable to think that people were unsympathetic. I cannot
believe that nobody cares. We allow this carnage to continue, and I don't
hear voices of complaint.

Americans never objected to our wounded and killed in Korea. 36,913 killed
and over 103,000 wounded in a war that nobody cared about. They just forgot
about it. Why we ever entered in that conflict can never be explained.
It was a war like Vietnam that nobody ever heard of or cared about. Our
military brass never considered that Korea bordered with China and Russia,
just across the Yalu river. Well, that was the forgotten war, except for
the ones that were in it.



On May 1, 2003, President Bush landed on the Aircraft carrier USS Abraham
Lincoln as the carrier returned from combat operations in the Persian
Gulf. He posed for photographs with pilots and members of the ships crew
while wearing a flight suit. He gave a speech announcing the end of combat
operations in the Iraq war. Clearly visible in the background was a banner
stating “Mission Accomplished.” This banner has been a focal
point of controversy and criticism. The general impression created by
the image of the President under the banner has been criticized as somewhat
premature, as most people who saw the banner drew the obvious conclusion
that the banner declared the US mission in Iraq had been completed. Bush
also said the most controversial statement yet. He said that “In
the battle of Iraq, the US and our Allies have prevailed.”