In 1937, the Japanese army swept into the ancient city of Nanking, China.
Within weeks, more than 300,000 Chinese soldiers and civilians were systematically
raped, tortured, and murdered. The death toll exceeded that of the Bomb
blasts at Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined. Japanese soldiers forced their
victims in pornographic poses for photo souvenirs. Chinese women were
tied up for repeated attacks by hundreds of soldiers. They were not only
raped and tortured, but horribly mutilated. Corpses of Nanking citizens
were dragged to the banks of the Yangtze and thrown in the river. Japanese
soldiers turned murder into a sport. They had beheading contests to see
who could kill 100 Chinese with a sword first. Severed heads of Chinese
were everywhere, the stench of rotting flesh filled the air. Heads were
lined up in a grotesque manner. Decapitation was a way of life for the

ANTI-JAP POSTER - National Archives

NANKING HEADS - National Archives
Japanese soldiers used prisoners for bayonet practice. At times babies
were thrown into the air for the soldiers to bayonet them. Many Chinese
prisoners were buried alive. The Japanese loaded trucks full with young
men and transported to the outskirts for mass executions. All of these
atrocities are documented by the U.S. and Chinese Governments everyone
should read "The Rape Of Nanking" by Iris Chang. By 1939 Japan
had control over a large portion of China, Manchuria, Manila, and hundreds
of Islands.

On Dec. 7, 1941, the Japanese expanded their conquest to take on the
world by bombing our Naval Base at Pearl Harbor. The attack was devastating
with over 3000 of our men killed, and a large portion of our ships destroyed.
President Roosevelt was enraged, and the next day declared war on the
Japanese Empire. He wanted revenge, and asked our military how we could
retaliate to this catastrophe. Japan was thousands of miles away and we
had no bombers that could reach it. Our factories geared up for mass production
and pretty soon were turning out thousands of tanks, ships, and aircraft,
along with submarines and aircraft carriers. We also built up a huge military
force. The only way to reach Japan was to occupy Guam, Iwo Jima, Tinian,
and Okinawa. Each Island heavily fortified. These would create stepping
stones as bases for our B-29s.