This country was founded in trying times, and through the years has managed
to survive. Fortunately we had some Presidents who had the people's interest
at heart, among these were the three most important. They were George
Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Franklin Delano Roosevelt. All three
served the United States during wars. In the beginning we had hard working
people who loved America, many gave their life defending it. The wars
we were in were not of our doing, and each war we were assured of victory
because we had the desire to win.
Looking back on this great Nation one has to wonder what has happened
to our country. It can be summed up in a few sentences. Corporate greed,
discrimination, drugs, aids, sexual promiscuity, no family values, outsourcing
of our jobs, and the number one blame has to be put on our government.
We had no business in Korea, no plan, and no will to win. We wanted the
war in Vietnam until we had to run for our lives. We had no business in
Vietnam, no plan, no will to win. Our government wanted the war with Iraq
so badly they fabricated reasons to start it. Again, we had no plan there,
and no will to win. No one seems to care about the thousands of deaths
these unnecessary wars have caused, the number of wounded is staggering.
Young men with their arms and legs blown off. We have no military left,
our economy has gone down the drain, no medical care, Social Security
is bankrupt, we are spending billions on a war nobody but one man wants,
and we are in debt over 7 trillion dollars. We have 20 million illegal
immigrants in this country who will eventually bankrupt our school system,
our hospitals, and by opening our border possibly over 100 million more
will invade our country. Our government doesn't care, they are doing nothing
and getting paid big money for it. Our Government is overlooking one thing.
The tremendous influx of illegal immigrants is taking all the jobs from
the blacks. Nobody seems to see what is happening. They will soon, when
a black can no longer get any kind of job. We are looking again at another
civil war. Yes, Lincoln freed the slaves, but not much has really changed
since then. Our country is doomed if the aids epidemic, the drug situation,
and drive by shootings continues. I only hope anyone reading this can
see what has happened here. When all of our jobs go overseas that will
be the final blow, and neither Congress or the Presidency really cares.