Korean War and Classified Reconnaissance Recollections and Related Stories

Tragedy of the Five Sullivan Brothers
All five brothers were killed when their ship was sunk by a Japanese sub. The death of the five Sullivan brothers was impossible to imagine. So horrible it forced the U.S. War department to adopt “The Sole Survivor Policy” so it would never happen again. Can anyone even think of the heartache that the Sullivan family suffered? How much sorrow can a family take? The brothers

Alone With The Enemy
Copy of Pacific Stars and Stripes article, December 30, 1950 This article about the 31st and 91st Recon Sq was in a Stars and Stripes Sunday supplement. There was a full page of photos plus the following text: Story provided courtesy of William F. (Bill) Welch, crewmember on Lt. Earle Ambrose’s crew. The story of the highly secret mission of a little-known group of men and

Japanese Suicide Weapons
THE KUGISHO MXY7-K1 OHKA The Ohka (CHERRY BLOSSOM) was a Japanese suicide plane powered by three solid propellant rocket motors with 8 to 10 seconds firing endurance. It carried a 2646 pound high explosive warhead in the nose. It was actually a flying torpedo. Used mostly against American ships invading Okinawa, it was extremely effective. It was carried to the target beneath a mother aircraft such

The 19th Bomb Group in Korea
The 19th Bomb Group is one of the oldest military organizations, having served with distinction in two World Wars plus Korea. It is one of the most decorated units in the Strategic Air Command. Their motto has always been “A CHECKMATE TO AGGRESSION”. WE will endeavor to cover their performance in the Korean War. Operation Korea After serving in WW11, the 19th was assigned to Guam

Why Truman Fired General Macarthur
Plans to Drop Atomic Bombs Would Have Caused WWIII The fame of Douglas MacArthur saturates American history. As a graduate of the United States Military Academy his exploits have filled numerous books. His rise to power came through his brilliant and sometimes flamboyant victories in the brutal war in the Philippines during WWII. He had retired from active service in December, 1937, but was recalled to

Complete History of the Russian Mig Aircraft
Migs Mig-1 Through Mig-35 Introduction Mikoyan-I-Gurevich design bureau is a Russian military aircraft design bureau primarily for fighter aircraft. It was formerly a Soviet design bureau founded by Artem Mikoyan and Mikhail Gurevich, known as “MIG.” The Russian government is planning to merge Mikoyan and Gurevich with Ilyushin, Irkut, Sukhoi, Tupolev, and Yakovlev as a new company named “United Aircraft Corporation.” The MIG has been used

U.S. Planned to A-Bomb N. Korea in 1950 War
Nuclear Weapons And Aircraft Waited For Orders Introduction: In the past I was invited to speak and give a slide show covering the Korean War of 1950 to large groups of professional engineers. During one of my talks I briefly mentioned that the U.S. came dangerously close to dropping multiple A-Bombs on N. Korea during the 1950 war. After each one of my talks I

Welcome to B-29’s over Korea
Welcome to B-29’s over Korea Welcome to B-29’s over Korea, a web site dedicated to remembering the Korean War, the B-29, the Aircrews who flew them, and the Maintenance Personnel who kept them flying. Subjects cover B-29s, Korean War, Early Cold War, Reconnaissance, and Aerial Photography. Our format is in the form of Recollections and Related Stories from Korean War Veterans who served. Your Website Historian