Korean War and Classified Reconnaissance Recollections and Related Stories

What engines are on the B-29 Superfortress?
The B-29 Superfortress was a four-engine heavy bomber aircraft used by the United States during World War II and the Korean War. It was powered by four Wright R-3350 Duplex-Cyclone radial engines, each producing around 2,200 horsepower. The R-3350 was a large, powerful engine that was used on a number of different aircraft during the 1940s and 1950s, including the B-29, B-50, and P-47. It was

Why was a B-29 Tail Gunner a dangerous job?
A B-29 tail gunner was dangerous for several reasons. First and foremost, the position involved operating the defensive weapons systems on the tail end of the aircraft, which meant that the gunner was often targeted by enemy fighters. In addition to being exposed to enemy fire, B-29 tail gunners also had to contend with the challenges of working in a cramped and noisy environment while being

What was the Korean War?
The Korean War was a conflict that took place on the Korean Peninsula from 1950 to 1953. It was fought between North Korea, which was supported by the Soviet Union and China, and South Korea, which was supported by the United States and other Western powers. The war arose from tensions between the two Koreas, which had been divided along ideological lines following World War II.

What did the B-29 Tail Gunner do during the Korean War?
During the Korean War, B-29 tail gunners were responsible for operating the defensive weapons systems on the tail end of the aircraft and protecting the plane from enemy fighters. These gunners often worked in extremely cold and cramped conditions, and were exposed to high levels of noise and vibration during flights. Life as a B-29 tail gunner was often very dangerous, as they were frequently targeted

Jets Shoot Down Crippled B-29 in China Sea after Crew Jumps
This story provided courtesy of William F. (Bill) Welch Official USAF News Release HQ.TWENTIETH AF, Okinawa. A flight of F-80 jet-propelled fighter-interceptor aircraft shot down a B-29 aircraft of the 31st Photo Reconnaissance Squadron 15 miles out in the China Sea at sunset Friday night after a 12-man crew had bailed out over Kadena Air Base in a tense drama witnessed by hundreds of spectators. THE

The Life and Death of Tiger Lil SN 42-94000
Introduction and Table of Contents Comment: Tiger Lil was a well known aircraft in the Korean War, recognized everywhere she went. Her crew was well trained, and displayed great respect and love for this plane. In his story, Wayland Mayo covers the complete life of Tiger Lil, from the roll out on Boeing’s production line, to her final plunge into the sea. Most airmen develop a

Russian B-29 Clone – Tupolev TU-4
INTRODUCTION The Tupolev Tu-4 (NATO reporting name: Bull) was a piston powered engine Soviet strategic bomber that served the Soviet Air Force from the late 1940s to mid-1960s. It was a reverse-engineered copy of the U.S.-made Boeing B-29 Superfortress. Probably the most significant development in aviation history is one which most Americans don’t even know happened. We worked hard to get our B-29 built so we

History of Russian Sukhoi Fighter Aircraft – Part 2
The Sukhoi SU-17 FITTER was a Soviet attack aircraft developed from the SU-7 fighter bomber. Over 2867 were built, and it had a long life and was widely exported to Middle Eastern Air Forces. The production aircraft was named FITTER-C. In a move to eliminate single engine strike aircraft from it’s inventory the Russian Air Force retired it’s last SU-17M4 along with it’s fleet of MIG-23/27s

History of Russian Sukhoi Fighter Aircraft – Part 1
Sukhoi Employs Over 29,000 Workers. Russia presently has two major aircraft production corporations, both building a most impressive array of military jet fighters. SUKHOI and MIKOYAN (MIG) through the years have continued to improve the performance of their fighters, resulting in some exceptional performing aircraft. In doing research on the Sukhoi I noticed the remarkable resemblance of various models of the two corporations. Sukhoi has produced

History of North Korea
In the aftermath of the Japanese occupation of Korea which ended with Japan’s defeat in World War 11 in 1945, Korea was divided by the Soviet Union north of the 38th Parallel and by the United States south of the 38th Parallel. The Soviets and Americans were unable to agree on the implementation of Joint Trusteeship over Korea. This led in 1948 to the establishment of

German Jets Inflicted Severe Damage to our Bombers in WWII
With their speed of more than 200 MPH faster our losses were unacceptable This article is certainly not meant to glorify the German Air Force, but to show you many photos of aircraft you may not have seen before. Along with the photos will be specifications and comments. The German aircraft did have many innovative designs that have stirred the minds of history buffs and aviation

Major Gregory “Pappy” Boyington
INTRODUCTION: This website is a tribute to dedicated and courageous military men who gave everything they had for their country. I have met several who received the Medal of Honor, many others who made history or changed the fate of the world; men like Paul Tibbets. Dick Bong, Jimmy Doolittle, and many others who all had the same characteristics. They all possessed a strong devotion to

John Lappo Story
Alaskan’s assault on the Mackinac Recalled By Danny K. Shepherd A Man’s man – That’s how those who knew Captain John Lappo back in the 50’s referred to the pilot made infamous by his aerial assault on the Mackinac Bridge that connects the upper peninsula of Michigan with the lower. The story made headlines across the Midwest, and indeed the country, when news leaked out about the

Flying Tigers ACE “Tex Hill”
David Lee Hill was born on 13 July 1915 in Kwangju, Korea, the son of a missionary who moved to Texas when he was six. After finishing Austin College in 1938, “Tex” completed naval flight school and served in a torpedo squadron on the USS Saratoga and in a dive-bomber squadron on the USS Ranger. Hill was among the first Americans to see combat in World

A Basic Course on Producing Maps from Aerial Photography
The Evolution of Equipment and Procedures, Includes Many Photos INTRODUCTION: It is my intention to present an article describing in understandable language most of the aspects of aerial mapping. To fully cover all areas of possibilities we would have several very large volumes. So the very name of this article describes it perfectly, it is a BASIC course to give the casual reader an understanding of

That Ragged Old Flag
“That Ragged Old Flag” I walked through a county courthouse square On a park bench, an old man was sittin there. I said, “Your court house is kinda run down, He said, “No, it will do for our little town”. I said “your old flag pole kinda leaned a little bit, And that?s a ragged old flag you got hanging on it”. He said “have a

Rex T. Barber, Shot Down Admiral Yamamoto – The Yamamoto Controversy
Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto was the Commander in Chief of the Imperial Japanese Navy in WWII. He was considered Japan’s greatest military leader, credited with the success of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. U.S. Naval Intelligence had broken the Japanese Military Code, and on April 14th, 1943, they intercepted a message that said Admiral Yamamoto would be flying to Bougainville on the 18th. The

Japanese War Crimes
B-29 CREWS TORTURED BY THE JAPANESE Japanese war crimes I am completely speechless, disgusted, saddened, shocked, infuriated, and sick after researching this story about JAPANESE WAR ATROCITIES. If you can read this article without being shocked to the point of throwing up, then you must have a strong stomach. As time passes we deny the Holocaust, and the Japanese make continued long term attempts to re-write

The Battle of Okinawa the Blood and the Bomb, Book Review
Publisher: The Lyons Press Author: George Feifer Length: 492 PAGES The Battle for Okinawa can be described in the grim superlatives of war. In size, scope and ferocity, it dwarfed the Battle of Britain. Never before had there been, probably never again will there be, such a vicious sprawling struggle of planes against planes, of ships against planes. Never before, in so short a space, had

Black Tuesday Over Namsi Raid Book Review
B-29s Suffer Major Damage by Mig-15s in the Black Tuesday Over Namsi Raid Viewers of your website will probably be interested in knowing that my new book, BLACK TUESDAY OVER NAMSI, A TRUE HISTORY OF THE EPIC AIR BATTLE OF THE KOREAN WAR, has been published and is available for purchase from Heritage Books, Inc. 1-800-876-6103. The book chronicles the calamitous B-29 daylight-bombing mission flown