B-29’s over Korea is a web site dedicated to remembering the Korean War, the B-29, the Aircrews who flew them, and the Maintenance Personnel who kept them flying. Subjects cover B-29s, Korean War, Early Cold War, Reconnaissance, and Aerial Photography. Our format is in the form of Recollections and Related Stories from Korean War Veterans who served. Your Website Historian is Wayland Mayo, an Aerial Photo Gunner on the RB-29 Tiger Lil of the 91st Strategic Reconnaissance Squadron during the Korean War conflict.
Korean War and Classified Reconnaissance Recollections and Related Stories

What engines are on the B-29 Superfortress?
The B-29 Superfortress was a four-engine heavy bomber aircraft used by the United States during World War II and the Korean War. It was powered by four Wright R-3350 Duplex-Cyclone radial engines,

Why was a B-29 Tail Gunner a dangerous job?
A B-29 tail gunner was dangerous for several reasons. First and foremost, the position involved operating the defensive weapons systems on the tail end of the aircraft, which meant that the gunner

What was the Korean War?
The Korean War was a conflict that took place on the Korean Peninsula from 1950 to 1953. It was fought between North Korea, which was supported by the Soviet Union and China,

What did the B-29 Tail Gunner do during the Korean War?
During the Korean War, B-29 tail gunners were responsible for operating the defensive weapons systems on the tail end of the aircraft and protecting the plane from enemy fighters. These gunners often

Jets Shoot Down Crippled B-29 in China Sea after Crew Jumps
This story provided courtesy of William F. (Bill) Welch Official USAF News Release HQ.TWENTIETH AF, Okinawa. A flight of F-80 jet-propelled fighter-interceptor aircraft shot down a B-29 aircraft of the 31st Photo

The Life and Death of Tiger Lil SN 42-94000
Introduction and Table of Contents Comment: Tiger Lil was a well known aircraft in the Korean War, recognized everywhere she went. Her crew was well trained, and displayed great respect and love

Russian B-29 Clone – Tupolev TU-4
INTRODUCTION The Tupolev Tu-4 (NATO reporting name: Bull) was a piston powered engine Soviet strategic bomber that served the Soviet Air Force from the late 1940s to mid-1960s. It was a reverse-engineered

History of Russian Sukhoi Fighter Aircraft – Part 2
The Sukhoi SU-17 FITTER was a Soviet attack aircraft developed from the SU-7 fighter bomber. Over 2867 were built, and it had a long life and was widely exported to Middle Eastern

History of Russian Sukhoi Fighter Aircraft – Part 1
Sukhoi Employs Over 29,000 Workers. Russia presently has two major aircraft production corporations, both building a most impressive array of military jet fighters. SUKHOI and MIKOYAN (MIG) through the years have continued

History of North Korea
In the aftermath of the Japanese occupation of Korea which ended with Japan’s defeat in World War 11 in 1945, Korea was divided by the Soviet Union north of the 38th Parallel

German Jets Inflicted Severe Damage to our Bombers in WWII
With their speed of more than 200 MPH faster our losses were unacceptable This article is certainly not meant to glorify the German Air Force, but to show you many photos of

Major Gregory “Pappy” Boyington
INTRODUCTION: This website is a tribute to dedicated and courageous military men who gave everything they had for their country. I have met several who received the Medal of Honor, many others

John Lappo Story
Alaskan’s assault on the Mackinac Recalled By Danny K. Shepherd A Man’s man – That’s how those who knew Captain John Lappo back in the 50’s referred to the pilot made infamous

Flying Tigers ACE “Tex Hill”
David Lee Hill was born on 13 July 1915 in Kwangju, Korea, the son of a missionary who moved to Texas when he was six. After finishing Austin College in 1938, “Tex”

A Basic Course on Producing Maps from Aerial Photography
The Evolution of Equipment and Procedures, Includes Many Photos INTRODUCTION: It is my intention to present an article describing in understandable language most of the aspects of aerial mapping. To fully cover

That Ragged Old Flag
“That Ragged Old Flag” I walked through a county courthouse square On a park bench, an old man was sittin there. I said, “Your court house is kinda run down, He said,

Rex T. Barber, Shot Down Admiral Yamamoto – The Yamamoto Controversy
Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto was the Commander in Chief of the Imperial Japanese Navy in WWII. He was considered Japan’s greatest military leader, credited with the success of the Japanese attack

Japanese War Crimes
B-29 CREWS TORTURED BY THE JAPANESE Japanese war crimes I am completely speechless, disgusted, saddened, shocked, infuriated, and sick after researching this story about JAPANESE WAR ATROCITIES. If you can read this

The Battle of Okinawa the Blood and the Bomb, Book Review
Publisher: The Lyons Press Author: George Feifer Length: 492 PAGES The Battle for Okinawa can be described in the grim superlatives of war. In size, scope and ferocity, it dwarfed the Battle

Black Tuesday Over Namsi Raid Book Review
B-29s Suffer Major Damage by Mig-15s in the Black Tuesday Over Namsi Raid Viewers of your website will probably be interested in knowing that my new book, BLACK TUESDAY OVER NAMSI,

Table of Contents – Page 1

HISTORY OF NORTH KOREA An Authoritative Documentary Covering North Korea From 1948 Thru 2006.
KOREA – DOWNFALL OF OUR GREATEST GENERAL General MacArthur, trained to win wars, is involved in one he cannot win. Read his dramatic controversial involvement and tragic ending to his great career.
GERMAN JETS INFLICTED SEVERE DAMAGE TO OUR BOMBERS IN WWII With their speed of more than 200 MPH faster our losses were unacceptable
I REMEMBER THE FORGOTTEN WAR, 59 YEARS AGO My Recollections Of the Korean “War.”
DID GERMANY HAVE THE ATOMIC BOMB? German Nuclear Energy Endangered WWII, Here Are The Facts Of A World In Danger
WAS ADOLF HITLER A MADMAN? History Of An Obsessed, Sadistic Man
WHY TRUMAN FIRED GENERAL MacARTHUR Plans to Drop Atomic Bombs Would Have Caused WWIII
Military Award Given To A Pigeon In WW1 A Medal From France For Heroism In Combat
OUR WOUNDED IRAQ VETERANS See the horrors and heartaches of our wounded vets.
US MARINES AT CHOSIN RESERVOIR Marines devastated by over 100,000 Chinese troops
B-29s Suffer Major Damage by Mig-15s in the Black Tuesday Over Namsi Raid: archived
The Life and Death of Tiger Lil RB-29 Tiger Lil flew 50 missions over Korea. A 50 year search to find the plane resulted in the startling revelation that it was shot down by Russian Migs. Contributed by Wayland Mayo
The Final Chapter of The “TIGER LIL” Story This story analyzes the controversy, political and military, concerning the final flight and shoot down of an RB-29 by Russian Migs. My personal interview with Walter Lentz, a gunner on that fatal flight, introduces many questions about the incident.
B-29s Set Speed, Altitude, Distance Records 451.9 mph, 47,910 ft. ALT, 10,000 Miles Distance
Jim Johnson Is Coming Home Today A short story by Wayland Mayo
GOD BLESS AMERICA, MY HOME SWEET HOME My Tribute To Our Nation: Full Photo Coverage With Limited Text. An Extremely Patriotic Article
Recollections of William F. (Bill) Welch of the 31st and 91st SRS Bill Welch recalls his combat missions flying RB-29s over Korea, trips into Mig Alley, China, and Manchuria. Contributed by William F. (Bill) Welch
Beautiful Collection Of Over 150 Aviation Photos
The B-29s Road to Victory in Japan – The Firebombing of Japan – The Story of the 20th Air Force The B-29 provided the only chance to defeat Japan. Incendiary bombs caused more damage than the A-Bombs, incinerating nearly every city in Japan
STRATEGIC AIR COMMAND The Greatest Deterrent To War This Country Has Ever Had.
NASA ARCHIVES NASA Has Thousands of Priceless Photos, Movies, and Text, Mostly One of a Kind, Unusual, Experimental. You Must See Them.
OUTDATED U.S. MILITARY TACTICS NEED DRASTIC CHANGE Are we prepared for a confrontation with Russia or China, both are building huge military stockpiles?
ATROCITIES AGAINST AMERICAN POWs IN KOREAN WAR Official U.S. Senate report on atrocities.
PHOTO SELECTION BY ROY COCHRUN We are fortunate to display photos from a photographer of the calibre of Roy Cochrun.
Performance of the MiG-15 in Aerial Combat The B-29 met its match when swarms of MiGs flown by Russians and Chinese pilots crossed the Yalu. With their cannons, blistering speed, and 50,000 ft. altitude capability it was the B-29s nightmare. Contributed by Wayland Mayo
NMUSAF – National Museum of the United States Air Force NMUSAF Is The Largest Aviation Museum In The World, With Over 350 Beautifully Restored Aircraft. I Have Selected 100 Photos For Your Viewing Pleasure.
THE 9/11 TWIN TOWERS TRAGEDY You must take time to view this moving and thought provoking addition to our website. Courtesy of Jim Byers
REMEMBER the DEAD Our losses in wars are staggering.
The Russelsheim Massacre Relive the tragic story of a B-24 crew attacked by an enraged German mob, and the resulting postwar trial that sent five civilians to the gallows. – PHOTOS OF NEW MEMORIAL in RUSSELSHEIM –
Waterboarding IS TORTURE It Is Illegal, Inhuman, Violates Geneva Convention Rules
AVIATION SUPER SHOTS My pick of aircraft crashes, French, Japanese, Italian, Russian plus other aircraft.
Why The Korean War was known as “THE FORGOTTEN WAR”The mood of America The Korea war veteran returned to an apathetic America, and his effort was never recognized. Contributed by Wayland Mayo
RESTORATION OF THE MEMPHIS BELLE She arrived at the NMUSAF as a rusted out, vandalized hulk
Return of the Fallen To Cover Up Our Losses The Media Was Forbidden To Show Flag Draped Coffins. A Lawsuit Released The Images.
The Medal Of Honor The Medal Of Honor Is The Highest Decoration AwardedBy The United States.
WAS IT NECESSARY TO DROP THE BOMB? The decision will be argued ’till the end of time. This is one perspective.

Jets Shoot Down Crippled B-29 in China Sea after Crew Jumps All activity stopped to watch a crippled B-29 over Okinawa. The crew was forced to jump and jets shot down the crewless plane. Courtesy of William F.(Bill) Welch
Aircraft Commander of Command Decision gets General Court Martial for flying B-47 under Mackinac Bridge Fascinating story of John S. Lappo, AC of the Command Decision, with a shocking ending. Brilliantly written by Danny K. Shepherd.
Faith Of My Fathers – The John McCain Story A dramatic detailed book report on Senator Mccain’s treatment by the Vietnamese.
The Controversy Surrounding The USS Indianapolis Tragedy Was Mcvay Guilty of Causing The Worst Sea Disaster In U.S. Naval History?
The Enola and The Smithsonian Controversy The B-29 Enola after dropping the bomb met with controversial resistance as to why we dropped it. Surprisingly the Smithsonian was it’s worst enemy. Contributed by Wayland Mayo
The Enola Returns As Restoration Is Completed The Plane Will Be Displayed At The Udvar- Hazy Center On December 15, 2003
Illustrations of RB-29 “TIGER LIL” Nose Art One of 40 of the Korean War by Mark Styling
Ride along on a Combat Mission with the 91st SRS Recollections of a typical mission A dynamic record of a RB-29 mission over Korea, China, the Yalu, and attack out of Vladivostok, Russia. Contributed by Wayland Mayo
A basic course on producing maps from Aerial Photography The evolution of equipment and procedures A description of stereoplotters, cameras, orthophotos, enlargers, and more. Contributed by Wayland Mayo
A Photo Gallery of Japan during the Korean War Includes Johnson and Yokota AFB Coverage of Japans Yokota and Johnson AFB during the Korean war. B29 bomb groups flew missions from these two bases. Contributed by Wayland Mayo
Talbert “Ted” Abrams Father of Aerial Photography Talbert Abrams was a pioneer in developing aerial photographic equipment during WWII, and instructing U.S. Marines for the government. Contributed by Wayland Mayo
The Secret Mission of Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr. – The Story Read about the mysterious death of the B-24 pilot flying a radio controlled drone loaded with explosives, and headed for the V-2 missile launch in France. Contributed by Wayland Mayo
Recollections and Photos of Military Lifeat Okinawa before June 25, 1950 Recollections and Photos of Military Life at Okinawa before June 25, 1950. Little has been written about life before B-29s swarmed on to Okinawa. Life was quiet before Korea. Contributed by Wayland Mayo
Images, Impressions and Applications of the RB-29 in the Korean War from An Aerial Photographer’s Point of View A complete story with photos of the roll of the RB-29 in the Korean War. Many items on the B-29. Contributed by Wayland Mayo
Proof Through The Night A book report on a B-29 Pilot shot down over Japan who suffered unbelievable atrocities by Japanese soldiers. Every man who ever flew a mission in a B-29 should read this book.
SUBMARINES OF THE US NAVY The first nuclear powered submarine was the USS Nautilus.
GERMAN U-BOATS OF WWII German U-Boats sank large amounts of US and British ships.
SUBMARINES OF THE IMPERIAL JAPANESE NAVY The Japanese not only built huge aircraft carrying subs but built hundreds of midget subs.
SUBMARINES OF THE SOVIET NAVY Soviet Subs have had numerous disasters.
Major Gregory “Pappy Boyington”, Marine Corps ACE Unquestionably the Marines most controversial flyer, his service to his country is without question.
Col. Rex T. Barber, Shot Down Admiral Yamamoto The controversy continues as to credit for the shoot down. Analyze my conclusion.
David L. “Tex” Hill, Flying Tigers ACE His career with the Flying Tigers is legendary.
Doolittle Raiders Bomb Tokyo B-25s take off from U.S.S. Hornet in daring raid on Japan.
Recollections of Meeting the “Ace of Aces” Meeting Major Richard I. Bong, Americas greatest Ace, was an unforgettable event.
The Caterpillar Club This world-wide club is for aviators, military and commercial, who have saved their lives with a parachute in an emergency. Club members include former President George Bush, General Doolittle, and Col. Lindbergh, to name a few. Contributed by Wayland Mayo
The Lost Squadron The Recovery of P-38 “Glacier Girl” Five P-38s and two B-17s crash landed on the Greenland Ice Cap. Recovery of one of the P-38s is a dramatic story. Contributed by Wayland Mayo
Russian B-29 Clone – The TU-4 Story Russia needed a heavy bomber, so they “stole” several of our B-29s in their possession and copied them bolt for bolt. An unbelievable story. Contributed by Wayland Mayo
A Career in Aerial Photography Story of a man who devoted his entire life to aerial photography after flying 50 missions in a RB-29 over Korea. Biographical Story re Wayland Mayo
Spectacular Photos Absolutely great Navy and Air Force shots.
B-29 Frozen for 50 years The B-29 “Kee Bird” was left on the Ice Cap for 50 years. This heartbreaking story details the recovery attempt. Contributed by Wayland Mayo
WAR DOGS of VIETNAM They Gave Their Lives For The U.S. Then Were Left Behind In Vietnam
” That Ragged Old Flag “ A salute to the American flag, what it means to us, as only Johnny Cash could do it. Written by Johnny Cash