On April 1, 1945, Okinawa was invaded. This was the last stepping stone on the road
to Japan. Admiral Nimitz was the commander in charge of the Invasion. He knew only too well of the Kamikaze
capability and ordered LeMay to destroy as many on the ground as possible.

Photo by W. Mayo |
LeMay bombed 17 airfields, and not happy with his new job he claimed he had rendered all
of them useless. He had made a miscalculation as to the effectiveness of his bombing, as the Kamikazes
started ripping the Navy apart. LeMay, still bristling at his assignment, appealed to Gen. Arnold for
release and a return to the bombing of Japan. Admiral King, Chief of Naval Operations told Gen Arnold
in no uncertain terms that if the Air Force did not want to help the Navy now, the day might come when
the Navy would not want to help the Air Force. LeMay was ordered to continue with the Okinawa campaign.
His resentment festered as he felt that bombing Japan was top priority.
The Marianas were now crowded with over 700 B-29s which were accompanied on missions
by hundreds of P-51s. On April 13, 327 B-29s swept over Tokyo at night incinerating eleven square miles.
Two nights later 303 Superfortresses were back over Tokyo burning six square miles. Also destroyed was
three an a half square miles of the town of Kawasaki, and a mile and a half of Yokohama. Admiral Nimitz
ordered Lemay to drop thousands of mines which virtually shut down all shipping. The mine laying left
the Japanese in chaos, as the results were so effective Japan was actually starving. Nimitz praised
LeMay and called the results phenomenal. On May 11 Nimitz released Lemay from his obligation to take
out the Kamikaze after destroying 483 on the ground and 218 in the air. Nimitz would later realize the
full fury of the Kamikaze as ship after ship, including carriers, went to the bottom. How was the number
of suicide planes miscalculated by such a large amount. There were times when the outcome of the invasion
of Okinawa was in doubt, as the Kamikazes attacked with such vengeance.
LeMay, back on the top priority of demolishing Japan, on May 14 sent 472 B-29s loaded
with incendiaries bombed Nagoya. Two nights later 457 planes finished off Nagoya and LeMay removed it's
name from the list of cities to be bombed. On May 23, 520 B-29s hit Tokyo industrial complex. They were
met with blinding searchlights, heavy smoke, heavy flak, and night fighters with orders to ram. This
time they were also attacked by the Baka suicide bombs.
Seventeen B-29s were lost on this single raid. Another five square miles of Tokyo was
burned. Two nights later 502 planes returned, but this night was to be one to remember forever. 26 B-29s
were lost and 100 damaged. On the ground another 17 square miles burned, leaving Tokyo over half destroyed.
Yokohama was next on the list. The B-29s were protected by P-51s who shot down 26 planes. Despite the
excellent fighter cover five B-29s were lost and 175 damaged. Yokohama was mortally wounded with nine
square miles burned. LeMay could now concentrate on Japans industrial complex in Osaka, Japans second
largest city. This mission also was destined to end in tragedy. 148 Mustangs joined the bombers which
soon ran into a weather front with near zero visibility. Planes collided and 27 crashed. Only 27 mustangs
of the original 148 joined 458 B-29s to hit Osaka. The Japanese fighter assault was fierce, as they downed
five B-29s. Three square miles of Osaka was burned. It was to be a very costly mission. On June 5, 473
B-29s attacked Kobe in daylight with no escort. Four square miles of the industrial complex was destroyed.
The losses of B-29s was continuing at a staggering rate, with nine shot down and 176 damaged. Many of
the planes could not make it all the way back and either ditched or landed at Iwo Jima.
LeMay was considering rotating his crews after 35 missions. Major Shorty Hull received
word his wife had just given birth. Hull was convinced that LeMay would order him to fly more missions,
so he demanded to be allowed to fly the Kobe mission. His aircraft was shot down, his crew parachuted
and was captured. They were tried for committing war crimes, found guilty and beheaded the same day.
Two more raids hit Osaka on June 7 and 15, burning out another four square miles. The
final raids on Osaka ended Bomber Commands plan to incinerate metropolitan Japan. Our cost was monumental
in terms of aircraft and crews. LeMay tried to convince Norstad that the B-29 could win the war by continuing
the bombing without invading the homeland. He said we could just keep bombing them until they quit.
During the summer the Marianas was super crowded with over 1000 B-29s. In June a new outfit named the
509th Composite Group with 15 B-29s was stationed at an isolated area on Tinian. The crewmembers never
talked about why they were there, only the Commander Col. Paul Tibbets knew why.
LeMay continued to insist that with his plan the war would be over shortly. He had
already paralyzed the entire country, destroying most of the aircraft factories, oil refineries, steel
plants, and burned down most of the cities. His next program would be to bomb four cities, Omuta, Hamamatsu,
Yokkaichi, and Kagoshima. After that opposition was so light he dropped leaflets in advance not only
to save lives but to frighten workers away from their jobs. After observing the almost total devastation,
LeMay advised Gen. Arnold that very shortly he would not have any cities left to destroy. Kyoto was
off limits because it was a religious and cultural center. LeMay noted that four cities were left -
Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Niigata, and Kokura. Of course these cities were reserved for the A-Bomb. The last
mission sent 828 B-29s and 186 fighters over Japan without a single loss. On Aug. 6 and 9, 1945, the
A-Bombs were dropped, and Japan surrendered unconditionally. Several conflicting reports put our losses
of 414 to 512 Bombers, with 576 fliers killed and 2400 missing in action. Training losses in the U.S.
were reported to have claimed another 260 B-29s. Our "Road To Victory" was a very costly one.
General Curtis LeMay notified Bomber Command and Gen. Norstad
that every Japanese City was severely damaged, that Japan had no supplies, no fuel, no aircraft defense
system, and it would be only a matter of time if the firebombing continued before Japan would surrender.
He had no voice in the dropping of the bomb. The argument will go on forever, was it really necessary?
It should not be forgotten that the word "surrender" was not in the Japanese vocabulary. They
were still a fanatical nation, willing to commit suicide before surrender. How many Americans would have
been killed had we invaded Japan? Some put the figure at half a million, maybe more. There was a solution
to stop the killing and we took it. The Enola Gay, Smithsonian controversy is a prime example of the
erratic feelings of many Americans, Sometimes we are our own worst enemy. Demonstrations and dissent
have increased alarmingly. There is the great possibility that someday we will just "self destruct". |