Probably the most books and articles ever published about a person are about ADOLF HITLER. Nearly all are concerning his health and mental condition. There are hundreds of publications from psychiatrists, involving sometimes volumes of work in an effort to analyze his every action and thought. Why then is this article being written? I noticed that nearly every one of these hundreds of books are diagnosing his numerous conditions without any proof, just simply speculation. It is very simple to diagnose the condition of a dead man by only guessing what his problem was. I hope to include only the known facts as we know them. Hitler was a very complex individual which after his death his every movement was interpreted to be some type of disease. Sight unseen diagnosis, just speculation.

Hitler’s father was an illegitimate man with no listing of paternity on his birth certificate. Historians have had a field day explaining this. His actual birth
Certificate certified this. Adolf Hitler was born in Austria-Hungary, the fourth of six children by Alois and Klarr Hitler. At age 3 the family moved to Germany. He was a somewhat normal child who later became fixated on war, and was soon enthusiastic about anything connected with war. His younger brother Edmund died of measles in 1900, causing permanent changes in Hitler. He became a morose, sullen boy who constantly battled his father and his teachers. He had a close relationship with his mother, but a troubled one with his father who frequently beat him. He was sent to a tech school where he failed the first year and became more bitter and rebellious. His father died in 1903, and his behavior at the tech school became so disruptive he was asked to leave. It was reported that an intoxicated Hitler tore his school certificate in pieces and used them as toilet paper. When the school director saw this Hitler was expelled, never to return to school.
Wanting to be a painter, he was rejected twice by the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna. It was suggested he should become an architect. He was rejected at the architect school because it required a high school degree, which he did not have. In 1907 his mother died of breast cancer at age 47. Hitler had failed as a painter, was rejected again by the Academy of Arts, had no money, no job, and lived in a shelter for the homeless.
Hitler’s hatred of Jews started early, as he blamed them for the crisis in Austria, and Germanys’ defeat in WW I. He enlisted in the Bavarian army, and served in France and Belgium, and was involved in many battles. In 1914 approximately 40,000 men were killed, and Hitler’s own company of 250 was reduced to 42. He was twice decorated for bravery, receiving the Iron Cross Second Class, and later the Iron Cross First Class. In 1916 he was wounded during the battle of the Somme and received the Wound Badge, similar to our Purple Heart. In 1918 he was temporarily blinded by mustard gas and hospitalized. His war experience convinced him the purpose of his life was to save Germany.
It was during this time according to his own writings that he intended to exterminate all Jews, possibly 12 or 15 thousand with poison gas.
Hitler’s war experience was "the greatest of all experiences", as he was praised by a number of commanding officials for his bravery. The treaty of Versailles was humiliating to the Germans as it virtually demilitarized Germany. Even though the war ended Hitler remained in the Army. It was during this time he became a member of the German Workers’ party. It was his first thoughts of creating his own party. A high ranking member of the party became Hitler’s mentor, teaching him how to dress and speak, and introduced him to a wide range of high ranking people. He was discharged from the army in 1920 and encouraged to participate full time in the party’s activities. By 1921 he became a highly effective speaker in front of large crowds, speaking to over 6,000 in Munich. He introduced large scale use of the swastika. His climb to success continued as groups noticed his potential. His long winded and loud speeches attacked virtually everyone, Jews, and other political adversaries. He was considered very favorably by party members.
An opposition-leader had him arrested. At his trial he was given unlimited time to speak and his popularity soared. In April 1924 he was sentenced to five years in prison. He received favorable treatment from the guards. Growing popularity with the people caused his pardon on 20 December 1924. He served a little more than a year of his sentence. It was during this time he wrote Mein Kampf, which quickly sold 240,000 copies. In popular demand it soon sold over 10 million, and even today it is a best seller.

Hitler’s rise to power was exploding. The election results showed he received 1,918,300 votes even while in prison. In 1930 he received 6,409,000 votes after the financial crisis. After becoming a candidate for the presidency in 1932 he received 13,745,800.The 17,277,000 votes assured his term as Chancellor. His political life was up and down for a short time, actually coming in second to Hindenberg.
On the morning of 30 January 1933, in Hindenberg’s office, Adolf Hitler was sworn in as Chancellor. His first speech as Chancellor took place ten days later. The Nazi seizure of power was strengthening considerably.
The Enabling Act, combined with the Fire Decree, transformed Hitler’s government into a legal Dictatorship. Finally, with this combined Executive and Legislative power, his government suppressed the remaining political opposition. All other political parties were forced to dissolve, and Hitler’s Nazi Party was declared the only legal party in Germany. In 1934, von Hindenberg died. Hitler refused to replace anyone in that position, thus making him Supreme Commander of the armed forces and Head of State.
Hitler oversaw one of the greatest expansion of industrial production and civil improvement Germany had ever seen. Germany achieved near full employment. He oversaw one of the largest infrastructure and improvement campaign in German history, with the construction of dozens of dams, autobahns, railroads , and other civil work. He emphasized the importance of family life where only men worked and women stayed home to raise the children. Traditional voters saw an increase in their standard of living, and contributed it all to Adolf Hitler.
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