List of countries with nuclear weapons.
This is a list of countries with nuclear weapons. There are currently eight states that
have successfully detonated nuclear weapons. Five are considered to be "nuclear weapons states",
an internationally recognized status conferred by the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). In order of
acquisition of nuclear weapons these are: the United States of America, Russia (successor state to the Soviet
Union), the United Kingdom, France and China. Since the formulation of the NPT, three non-signatory states
of the NPT have conducted nuclear tests: India, Pakistan, and purportedly North Korea. Additionally, Israel
is also strongly suspected to have an arsenal of nuclear weapons though it has refused to confirm or deny
this, and there have been reports that over 200 nuclear weapons might be in its inventory. This status is
not formally recognized by international bodies as none of these four countries are currently signatories
to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Iran has been developing uranium enrichment technology and stands
accused by the United States of doing so for weapons uses. Iran insists that its intentions are limited
to domestic nuclear power generation, despite plutonium traces being detected. As of February 4, 2006, the
International Atomic Energy Agency referred Iran to the United Nations Security Council in response to concerns
on their possible nuclear programs.
Five "nuclear weapons countries" from the NPT

An early stage in the "Trinity" fireball, the first nuclear explosion. |
The United States of America developed the first atomic weapons during World War II in co-operation with
the United Kingdom and Canada, out of the fear that Nazi Germany would develop them first. It tested its
first nuclear weapon in 1945 ("Trinity"), and remains the only country to have used nuclear weapons
against another nation, during the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It was the first nation
to develop the hydrogen bomb, testing it ("Ivy Mike") in 1952 and a deployable version in 1954
("Castle Bravo").
The USSR tested its first nuclear weapon ("Joe-1") in 1949, in a crash project developed partially
with espionage obtained during and after World War II. The direct motivation for their weapons development
was the development of a balance of power during the Cold War. It tested a primitive hydrogen bomb in 1953
("Joe-4") and a megaton-range hydrogen bomb in 1955 ("RDS-37"). The Soviet Union also
tested the most powerful explosive ever detonated by humans, ("Tsar Bomba"), which had a yield
of 100 megatons, but was intentionally reduced to 50. After its dissolution in 1991, its weapons entered
officially into the possession of Russia.
The United Kingdom tested its first nuclear weapon ("Hurricane") in 1952, drawing largely on data
gained while collaborating with the United States during the Manhattan Project. Its program was motivated
to have an independent deterrent against the USSR, while also remaining relevant in Cold War Europe. It
tested its first hydrogen bomb in 1957. It maintains the Trident fleet of nuclear weapon submarines.

French nuclear-powered tactical nuclear bombers carrier Charles de Gaulle and the American nuclear-powered
carrier USS Enterprise. |
France tested its first nuclear weapon in 1960 ("Gerboise Bleue"), based mostly on its own research
aided by indirect British help[citations needed] and the experience of French scientists who had worked
on the Manhattan Project namely Louis de Broglie, Pierre Auger and Frédéric Joliot. It was
motivated by the will of independence vis-Ã -vis the United States confirmed with France's loosening
of ties to NATO, and as an independent deterrent against the USSR. It was also relevant to retain great
power status, along side United Kingdom, during the post-colonial Cold War. France tested its first hydrogen
bomb in 1968 ("Operation Canopus"). After the Cold War, France has disarmed 175 warheads with
the reduction and modernization of its arsenal which has now evolved to a dual system based on submarine-launched
ballistic missiles (SSBN) and medium-range air-to-surface missiles (Rafale bombers). However new nuclear
weapons are in development and reformed nuclear squadrons were trained during Enduring Freedom operation
in Afghanistan. In January 2006, president Jacques Chirac officially stated a terrorist act or the use of
weapons of mass destruction against France would result in a nuclear counterattack The Charles de Gaules
is currently the last carrier with nuclear weapons deployed by a country.
China tested its first nuclear weapon in 1964. China was the first Asian nation to have developed and tested
a nuclear weapon. The weapon was developed as a deterrent against both the United States and the USSR. It
tested its first hydrogen bomb in 1967 at Lop Nur. The country is currently thought to have had a stockpile
of around 130 warheads.