Atomic Bomb Shot Out of a Cannon

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From Nevada Bomb Blast Covers The U.S.

My Personal Experience With The Atomic Bomb

On May 25 1953, at area 5 of the Nevada Test Site, a nuclear artillery shell was fired from a cannon. The 280mm artillery cannon fired an Atomic projectile that delivered an airburst. The shell traveled 11,000 yards before detonation which occurred 86 feet west, 137 feet south, and 24 feet above the designated burst point at an altitude of 524 feet. The “gun” weapon used a “gun-type” fission assembly method like the Little Boy bomb, about 15kt. The MK-9 280mm (11.02 inch) shell was 54.4 inches long, weighted 803 pounds and used enriched uranium as the fission material.

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Atomic Bomb Cannon Shot

The airburst detonation was arranged by a time fuse. The MK-9 was fired by an enormous

85 ton artillery piece, with a muzzle velocity of 2060 ft/second, and a range of 20 miles. The yield was 15kt, roughly the size of the Hiroshima bomb.

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280mm Atomic Cannon

Hiroshima Bomb

On 6 Aug. 1945 LITTLE BOY enriched uranium nuclear bomb was dropped on the city of HIROSHIMA, JAPAN. As many as 140,000 may have died. Nuclear fission of Uranium 235 produced approximately 15 Kilotons of TNT. The explosion was approximately the same size as the Cannon nuclear shot.

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Little Boy Atomic Bomb Hiroshima

Atomic Bomb Tests at Nevada Test Site

The testing of Atomic bombs is not without major objection from our citizens and many from foreign countries. The radiation from these tests is blown by the wind over the entire United States. This complete ground coverage will never go away. The effect on wildlife, farm animals, crops, and our entire population proves the tests have been devastating to all mankind.

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XX27 Charlie dropped from B-50 1951 Yucca Flat 14kt

Medical Problems Developed from Tests

The following information is an example of the problems these nuclear blasts are causing, including cancer and hundreds of lawsuits. However the tests continue with no consideration of the horrible effects they have on our population. Medical problems do not occur immediately, some taking many years to develop.

History of Atomic Tests at Nevada Test Site

Between 1951 and 1992 there were a total of 928 announced nuclear tests at the Nevada Test Site. 828 of these were underground. Adding multiple detonation brought the total to 1,021. After objections from Nevada and Utah members of Congress, the tests operations have been postponed, but not completely eliminated.

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Buster-Jangle Shot in Nevada

Profile- Wayland Mayo in flight suit
About the Author: Your Website Historian is Wayland Mayo, an Aerial Photo Gunner on the RB-29 Tiger Lil of the 91st Strategic Reconnaissance Squadron during the Korean War conflict.

About the RB-29 Tiger Lil...

Tiger Lil was a well known aircraft in the Korean War, recognized everywhere she went. Her crew was well trained, and displayed great respect and love for this plane. In his stories, Wayland Mayo covers the complete life of Tiger Lil, from the roll out on Boeing's production line, to her final plunge into the sea.

Our stories...

A beautiful silver bullet rolled off the assembly line at the Boeing-Renton plant. This gleaming aircraft was a B-29A, powered by four R-3350-57 engines, each developing 2200 hp. Learn more as these stories uncover one of the greatest times in our history.

Korean War and Classified Reconnaissance Recollections and Related Stories

Title B-29s-Over-Korea

B-29's over Korea is a web site dedicated to remembering the Korean War, the B-29, the Aircrews who flew them, and the Maintenance Personnel who kept them flying. Subjects cover B-29s, Korean War, Early Cold War, Reconnaissance, and Aerial Photography.

Site: War Stories